Call for Papers and guidelines
Communications programming
General programming
Full articles template
The IX SIIMI [International Symposium on Innovation in Interactive Media], 21#ART [International Meeting of Art and Technology], and 9th Balance-Unbalance [art + science x technology = environment/responsibility] will be held jointly in Santiago, Chile, from November 3 to 5, 2022, at the Museum of Contemporary Art of the University of Chile. The deadline for submitting abstracts is August 15th through the Media Lab / UFG submission system
About the theme: ENTROPIA
Originated from thermodynamics, the term entropy expresses the measure of the disorder of particles in a physical system. Borrowed from several areas of knowledge, such as hermeneutic, aesthetic, and chaos theories, entropy comes to name the measure of disorder in several systems, such as communication, computing, art, and more. Recently, with the COVID-19 pandemic, entropy was widely discussed, not only in the spread of the SARS CoV 2 virus but also in social networks and the proliferation of fake news, notably in politics, altering social behavior.
Entropy is the main theme of the international events SIIMI (International Symposium on Innovation in Interactive Media), #Arte (International Meeting of Art and Technology), and Balance-Unbalance, in their 2022 editions, which will take place at the Museum of Contemporary Art of the University of Chile, in Santiago.
Call for Papers
Entropy / Entropia (SIIMI + ART + BunB) invites researchers and artists to present their proposals at the 2022 edition of this event to be held in Chile. The call for proposals is now open, and submissions are accepted for online or in-person papers, roundtables, and artistic proposals. Also, local events/actions/performances to be held anywhere in the world could be presented by Zoom. Enter your abstract 300-600 characters long and up to five keywords by August 15, 2022, in English, Portuguese, Spanish, or French here. (Files DOC, DOCX, PDF or ODT, free format)
The full texts of the approved abstracts must be submitted by 10/15 through the website: Submissões do Media Lab / UFG.
SPANISH: https://forms.gle/ZqxokPUzeUu1uxkK6
ENGLISH: https://forms.gle/eGXWgwXizyuCRwqq5
PORTUGUESE: https://forms.gle/irparvhPNMNN3kmd8
Students: R$ 50.00 (BR) | €9.50 (US) | U$ 10.00 (USA)
Professionals: R$ 260.00 (BR) | € 50.00 (EU) | U$52.00
Chilean citizens have free entry
To pay the registration fee through PIX, use the email key: medialabufg@gmail.com in the name of Cleomar Rocha.
For payments via transfer, use the following data:
Banco do Brazil
Agency: 4536-5
Account: 69380-4
Beneficiary: Cleomar de Sousa Rocha
For payments via PayPal, use the identifier: cleomarrocha@gmail.com
Submission of abstracts - 08/15
Notice of acceptance - 08/30
Deadline for sending articles - 10/15
Registration - from September 01 to November 03
ENTROPY- from November 03 to 05, 2022.